Quality Policy

The quality assurance system marks a continuous process of improvement carried out mainly by experienced internal and external evaluators, teachers, students, administrative staff, and external bodies. Quality assurance of education aims at the persistence, supervision, and improvement of the quality of our programs. In order to maintain a high level of educational quality, the Departments that constitute the School of Shipping and Industry are subject to audits – both internal and external.

The School of Maritime and Industrial Studies aims to satisfy stakeholders and interested parties and has a quality assurance system that is integrated into every level and concerns monitoring, reporting, and correction. The quality policy reflects one of the basic values ​​of the School, which is the cornerstone of knowledge, strengthening the upward spiral in light of the aspiration of excellence.

Further and more detailed information on the quality assurance policy of the Departments that make up the School of Maritime and Industrial Studies is available on the following links: